Monday, 24 January 2011


It's been a while..... how are you all? Last Saturday we decided to have an animation for our digital output. We also started to think about the exhibition display cases and what we want in each one. We had loads of different ideas for the animation, but decided on one telling the story of 'illness and medicine' in the different cultures we have been studying. Then this Saturday we began planning and created a storyboard to send to the animators. We don't want to give too much away, other than say it's going to be amazing!

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

We're up at the library!

Several weeks before Christmas a few of us went down to Durham University library to put up some posters showing everybody what we have been up to. We were given a good spot next to the main entrance, so hopefully plenty of students and visitors will see what we've been up to! Here are some images of our library exhibition, which will run from December 2010 until late February 2011!