Monday, 27 September 2010

Saturday 25th September

Wow - what a session! Last Saturday we chose a range of objects from the museum database that we wanted to include in our 'forthcoming' exhibition - Illness, Death and Afterlife. Well, having trawlled through the museum system last Saturday, we got to see and handle the objects this Saturday. We started to think about how these could be displayed and how they related to each other, their use and the people who used them. It was really great to actually see the potential objects. While we were doing this, the group working on the Children's trail were making a 'virtual trail' to post online. All great stuff!

Saturday, 18 September 2010

My Final Entry

Well the time has come for me to put in my final entry and in a break from tradition I am actually going to write this while thinking at the same time.

What can I say, well I have been working with Durham Stories of the World since just about the start all those many moons ago. To be honest I started this as the typical that will be good for the UCAS form and with the intention of that's that once I got my offers. But sitting here with two weeks until I go to University I'm still here, it became more than a ticket to getting uni offers. What do I see in SOTW now, a brilliant project to give young people a voice not just in the museums but within their communities using the museums to challenge social and contemporary issues. To me that is a truly admirable thing to do.

Durham isn't just the only place where I have been involved. I got to work in Newcastle on CultuRise with an amazing group of young people from all over the world. Not only did this increase what we would call racial tolerance but I prefer to think of as an acceptance and embrace other people's culture. Plus I got one hell of a trip to Sweden which fell on my 18th birthday, can't complain eh.

Why would I tell others to get involved with projects like and including SOTW, well first of all its fun and I have had so much fun all be it slightly stressful fun over the past year and a half. But I have also seen myself develop as a person I have gained confidence levels which I never knew were there, been out and spoke to schools and met amazing people, my academic skills have gone to personal highs. Most  of all I have had fun.

Now I must say some thank yous the museum staff in Durham and Newcastle for their support which has been crucial to any success. My colleagues group members, or as I would call them friends, amazing people energetic driven enthusiastic ambitious and successful the future captains of industry and people with the ability to change the world, good luck to you all. Matt for his continued support and countless hours of work he has put in and having to work with me. A big thank you especially, not playing favourites here but Sarah Price you opened me up to adventures and I wouldn't be anywhere near where I am without you. Thank you so much.

I will now sign out for the final time I will continue to follow this blog and it has been great fun.
Thank You All
Daniel Tinkler

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

The Trail Booklet Arrives

Well well well the moment has arrived with the glorious fantastically brilliant, add your own adjectives at will, trail booklet has arrived  (always wanted to start a blog like that). What can I say we are even gaining international recognition throughout Europe Belgium sent its two finest teachers to work with us or they came as part of the Da Vinci scheme, I prefer to think of it as the former.

Today there were four of us myself (Dan), Amy, Alex and Jono. Today the responsibility seemed to increase to unparallelled highs, first of all we got to run through the booklet and make sure everything was correct and in working order, which it was a result which doesn't normally occur when I'm involved. Then we got the call to say the text for the booklet needed to be sent in the exact form, which panicked me a little but it has been worked through and is now being checked over by Rachael, before being sent back. Progress at an alarming rate until it is realised that i have made a few errors with the text (this hasn't been confirmed but is more than likely).

It was then the time to write an official section about Stories of the World for the back cover of the booklet. Of course as it had to be "official" that sent waves of fear through the ranks but hey what can you do, personally I think what the group came up with looks passable as official. And a pass is a pass right.

To finish off we went with the most challenging aspect of the day designing the video for the virtual trail luckily our 2 teachers had experience in this so it was great to have them around. Unfortunately I can't tell you too much about their designs other than they were looking innovative fun and thought provoking. Now this isn't down to secret service like security but my sneaking out of the room and phoning Colour Heroes to admit that I was confused by the picture Sudoku that an eight year old could figure out easily. It's fair to say that was not my finest hour.

There is no video today as like the genius that I am I forgot but hopefully my vivid description and literary technique has painted a picture in your mind. As they say a picture is worth a thousand words and I can't be bothered to type that many, hopefully it worked if not never mind.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Today we designed a logo, looked for objects for the exhibition and talked to some mackam engineers who came up with some great ideas for the exhibit. We made some great advances in the design of the actual exhibit space and discussed some logistical issues with the design, such as accessibility. Overall it was a really successful and productive day.