Tuesday, 31 August 2010

The Stories of the World team met on 31/8 and decided on the subject of Death and Medicine for the exhibit being produced. The team discussed audience, theme and a mission statement and came up with a large number of ideas ranging from partitions in the exhibit space to motion sensitive audio speakers which would enhance the experience or looking at exhibits and make the museum more interactive, so it appeals to more audiences. It's a shame that only 6 people turned up. They must have been out sunbathing (Elliot), or living it up in France (Catherine S). Anyway, the meeting was a success and resulted in a lot of positive constructive ideas which will help the exhibition. This video below is of our exhibition space!

Wednesday, 18 August 2010

The Trail Nears Completion

Well what a busy momentous week we've had so far and it's only Wednesday.

First off we started with a trip to the Fulling Mill museum of archeology for the entire group and got to see a children's exhibit designed by Durham University's museum studies masters students on the theme of myths and monsters. This was to see how there exhibit was designed and learn from them for our exhibition. It was of course fun and child friendly plus me and two other students got to dress up as dragons (photo will be uploaded when people bring in consent forms, hint hint) what more could you ask for. We also looked round the rest of the museum and the video below shows part of that, we saw the differnce of which I couldn't possibly comment on, or wait there both brilliant.
Today was even busier we had our much anticipated meeting with Lorraine from Colour Heroes our graphic designers. We have now completed a mock run through of the trail booklet and we are entering exciting times. It does of course mean even busir times are ahead with the follow up work, but hey its worth it. After three hours of solid discussion and planning we made vast amounts of progress. this whole making progress while working feels wierd, but I personally feel professional and as they say there's a first time for everything.

Better say a big thank you to Helen again for confirming the trail; will work with a few minor tweeks. Or yeah and Matt great work with getting the meeting but personally a bigger thank you for another buffet where I yet again out ate everybody ele (probably combined).

Well that's all for this update and thanks to Isobel Siddons for becoming our first follower.
Until the next edition of typing without thinking, bye.

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Group Meeting Update

Well we've had another successful day with an amazing free buffet lunch (well done Matt) or yeah and we did do some work as well.

I have managed to locate another video of the object handling session featuring Amy showing her knowledge of how not to break things of great historical importance, if only I knew how not to break things in my own house. Although I did manage not to break the objects I got to handle, which was a massive shock.

Today was a little bit hectic with the group splitting into several smaller groups. However we seemed to have success the trail group went off to work on well the trail (perhaps I should think before typing, Nah). we are now at the point where we are ready for the meeting with Colour Heroes next Wednesday. Then the trail should be up and ready to go. Phase 1 is nearing completion.

We had the rest of the group going round the museum looking for themes and objects that they liked and want to incorporate in the final exhibition. Then the whole group got back together and we managed to narrow down the themes for the exhibition to: Weapons and Sport, Writing and Language or Deaths (we have some very morbid people) and medicine. The groups then made their case to our Collections Manager Helen the star of the videos posted last week. Helen was brilliant as Lord Sugar and has approved the exhibition ideas.

Thats all for now as I am exhausted and am going home to bed.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Preparing for tomorrow

Currently planning for another big day in the Stories of the World diary. Another group meeting up at the Oriental Museum to plan the forthcoming exhibition.!

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The Wonders of the Stores

As promised I have taken videos from our trip into the stores. Then I used my mightily flawed technological know how (there's some big money words) to upload them onto this Internet thing, I surprise myself at times with sheer guess work and luck om my side ( I think I may even put the lottery on) I appear to have succeeded.

These are the videos from three of the cupboards in the stores and the wonders they hold. Take a look and a big thank you to Helen our Collections Manager for training us with object handling and then taking us down to the treasures of the deep and astounding us all.

The Busiest Day So Far

Today is a busy day for us, first off we are currently deeply engrossed in preparing a booklet for the children's trail we are creating. We have just confirmed a meeting with the graphic designer Colour Heroes for our booklet ( that's right were being professional). I think its fair to say the cogs are turning at remarkable rates and we could possibly be the most productive people in the university, partly down to the fact its the summer vacation. You'd think planning an activity trail for children would be relatively easy, but this would of course be too simple. At the moment the ideas are bouncing around the room and it is quite simply phenomenal.

Then to make the day even more complete we will have the newer members of the group arriving for an object handling session. I can honestly say I am looking forward to this and wondering how many valuable artefects will I end up damaging, only time will tell. Then to finish the day in style we are being allowed into the Oriental Museums stores. Wow. This is of course going to be amazing for us all to see the vast array of treasures that are hidden from the public's eye, but for how long we may take a particular fancy to something and put it in our exhibition. I of course will have to fool the museum staff into thinking I have the ability to walk without bumping into things otherwise Mr Clumsy will never be allowed in the stores.

I will post follow up videos and photos (provided they let me in ).

Bye For Now

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

First meeting - Saturday 24th July

We had our first meeting at the Oriental Museum, Durham. This included a general introduction to the project and a tour of the museum!